Our School Hub
Craft Fair in St. Brigid’s School 8th of Decemeber 2022

Secondary Orange winners of the ‘Invent your Own Bike’ Competition
September Student of the Month Awards
Craft Fair in St. Brigid’s School 8th of Decemeber 2022
Secondary Orange winners of the ‘Invent your Own Bike’ Competition
September Student of the Month Awards
Click on the links below to keep up to date with what each of the classes are doing
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New Announcement-January 2021
Dear Parents /Guardians and Students,
I hope this letter finds you all well and in good health after the Christmas break. I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and peaceful start to 2021. Over the last week there have been many ups and downs for all members of our school community and it has been a very stressful time for many. I would like to thank each of you for the support that has been show to our school community in particular over the last three days. I have received many emails from parents thanking the staff for all the hard work to protect the students up to Christmas and commending how well our online learning programme went in the past. I also acknowledge that for some families online learning is not ideal and can be a very stressful time. With this in mind we try to encompass a range of learning tools for online learning similar to how we differentiate in the classroom to cater for the student’s individual needs. Following guidance from the Department of Education and Minister Norma Foley, all schools have now returned to online learning starting Monday 11th of January 2021.
Due to its success during the last academic Lockdown we plan on using Zoom, email and Seesaw as our platforms for learning online. Each child in St Brigid’s has their own school email address and password. If anyone needs the password reset please do not hesitate to contact me on; principal@stbrigidsschool.ie
Your child’s class teacher and subject teachers will post daily curriculum activities and learning timetables alongside online interaction times, depending on each classes learning platform. Teachers will be available for support and feedback on these platforms from 9.20 – 3.05pm each day.
Class teachers will be in touch on Monday via email or seesaw. This work is not to add any additional stress to your household but to continue the children’s access to the curriculum and learning with teacher directed lessons and activities with the support of our SNA’s. We are very aware that many households have multiple siblings and parents trying to access the internet across the day. Please feel free to access the work on whatever level works best for your family. Please feel free to let the teacher know what works best for your family and we will try and address all needs.
We are all looking forward to engaging with our students over the coming weeks. Although we don’t know when we will reopen at present but we all look forward to welcoming our students back to St Brigid’s when it is deemed safe to do so. We can also arrange food packages to be delivered in place of school lunches for any family that is interested. Please contact me on principal@stbrigidsschool.ie to arrange. In the meantime, please stay safe and look after each other and do not be afraid to reach out for help.
Kindest regards
Mrs Joanne Jordan, Principal
Students of the month -September 2019
Student of the month -October 2019
Janine and Emily playing football in Croke Park Dublin September 2019
All our students are having great fun in our new school bus.
Christmas Jumper Day 2020
On the 11th of December we all wore Christmas Jumpers to school to raise much needed money for a worthy cause-The Laura Lynn Foundation-We fondly remember this charity for all the opportunities it afforded our dear friend Chloe. We especially remember her and her family this Christmas.
Secondary Yellow
Christmas Jumper day in Junior Blue
May Prayer Service
Today the 4th of May Fr. Norman came to visit us. We celebrated a prayer service for ‘Our Lady’ in the school hall. This was the first time that we have all come together in a very long time .The choir sang ‘This Little Light Of Mine’ and we all joined in to pray with Fr. Norman. Thanks to Robert ,Roisin, Sarah and Callum who also led us in prayer.