Secondary Blue 2023-24
Class Teacher: Mr. Tifft
SNA's: Kathleen and Blanaid
Secondary Blue - Who we are and what we do.
We are a class of 11 students, aged between thirteen and sixteen and we are following the Junior Certificate Schools Programme (JCSP). This is a Department of Education and Skills accredited Level 3 Junior Cycle initiative that enables students access in a creative and differentiated way, culminating in a wonderful celebration of learning. Most of us will follow the programme over a two year period.
The JCSP is made up of a variety of learning statements for each subject in the Junior Cycle 3 curriculum, from Basic Skills in Reading to Mathematical Problem Solving, and everything in between. As such it allows us, the students, with guidance from teacher, to create a learning portfolio that recognises our unique learning styles and abilities.
All of us are participating in the following subjects, with differentiation,:
Visual Arts
Home Economics
Physical Education
Material Wood Technology
Digital Technology
The JCSP Initiatives we are engaging in this year are:
Make a Book
The theme of last school year’s Make a Book was ‘Story Telling’, titled Titanic Tales!
From inception to realisation students will: work and learn respectfully, build lasting socialisation skills, be creative, gr0w in story telling/writing skills, but most importantly understand the importance of spending time talking and interacting with others.
This project will actively support the wellbeing and mental health of the group.
We can’t wait to launch our Make a Book this Autumn as we celebrate our school’s 40th Anniversary !
This Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Maths initiative allows students to explore many areas of the curriculum in creative and hands on ways. Volcano models, chemical reactions investigations, biodiversity field studies, and robotics will be explored through this versatile initiative.
Materials Wood Technology
There is on going initiative to acquire new update tools to further our practical Woodwork and STEAM projects. Students make useful and individualised workpieces in a careful, focused manner.
JCSP has acquired new musical instruments such as boom-whackers and ukulele. Students will be working on piece to perform and share.
Many of our students prepared and performed in the 2023 Choir Competition held in Mullingar.