Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2023

The students and staff in Secondary Green were busy the last few weeks, wrapping, shopping, organising and counting, all in aid of the shoebox appeal! It was a lot of work but it was a fantastic way for the students to learn and experience the real meaning of Christmas, giving! The children remarked that they felt happy and proud of themselves for doing something kind for people who need things more than they did. We were very proud of them, for their hard work, effort, and consideration in completing this project. Of course, it goes without saying, that it would not have been possible to do this without the kindness and generosity of our students, their families, and our wonderful staff members, who lovingly donated money and many beautiful items for the children. Thanks to them, we managed to put together 41 SHOEBOXES, bursting with toys, toiletries, sweets, puzzles, hats, scarves, gloves, scrunchies, and so much more! Our classroom was like Santa’s Workshop! A special thank you to our lovely and kind SNAs - Bernie, Lindsey and Luisa, who spent lots of extra time working on the shoeboxes! Santa will definitely be putting Secondary Green on the nice list this year! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

Admin Brigids