Secondary Blue still working hard in June !

There are only a couple of more weeks to the end of this school year and Secondary Blue are still working hard online. They are trying to finish the class novel, “The Butterfly Lion”, enter competitions, tell jokes, keep fit and work on their JCSP statements. Here is a little sample of all they are doing. Enjoy.

Alex at Fore. Not only did he enjoy the history and scenery, he also ran a few laps. Well done Alex

Alex at Fore. Not only did he enjoy the history and scenery, he also ran a few laps. Well done Alex

Jamie takes his work seriously, no wonder it looks so neat.

Jamie takes his work seriously, no wonder it looks so neat.

Rebecca entered the Art competition with this lovely piece

Rebecca entered the Art competition with this lovely piece

Ricards entered some beautiful images of nature

Ricards entered some beautiful images of nature

Beautiful work Ricards

Beautiful work Ricards

Jason did a great formal letter of complaint

Jason did a great formal letter of complaint

Jamie was staying safe while taking pictures of nature

Jamie was staying safe while taking pictures of nature

Jason is really enjoying the class novel.

Jason is really enjoying the class novel.

This is the beautiful photograph Jamie entered in the competition

This is the beautiful photograph Jamie entered in the competition

Adam cooking a dinner for the family. From scratch!

Adam cooking a dinner for the family. From scratch!

The end result. Well done Adam

The end result. Well done Adam

One man and his dog

One man and his dog

Niamh enjoying a Maths crossword

Niamh enjoying a Maths crossword

Rebecca’s lovely postcard

Rebecca’s lovely postcard

Niamh wishing she was there. Lovely work

Niamh wishing she was there. Lovely work

Admin Brigids