Science Week 2020

Last week was Science Week from November 8th to November 15th. Throughout the week Junior Blue did many experiments within their pods in the classrooms. All students enjoyed the experiments that we did. They enjoyed forming a hypothesis, and then carrying out the experiment and coming up with a solution.

The first experiment we did was a Lava Lamp. The students brought in water bottles from home. Each pod formed a hypothesis on whether or not they thought oil was lighter or heavier than water. They students also formed a hypothesis on whether or not food colouring would have the same density as oil or water. The students then carried out the experiment and absolutely loved watching the results.

Later in the week the students carried out the Skittle Experiment. Each pod was given a handful of skittles and asked to make a pattern with the different colours and place them in a circle around a plate. The students formed a hypothesis on what will happen when you pour warm water over the skittles. The students learned that water dissolves the colour coating on the skittles and spreads through the water. The results were fascinating and luckily there were some leftover skittles to munch on when the experiment was finished!

Admin Brigids