School Away from School

Life has changed a lot for St. Brigid’s school and indeed every school in Ireland and all over the world. New and difficult circumstances since the middle of March 2020 has propelled us into a new way of living and a new way of learning. It was difficult at the beginning, but with technology and apps such as Zoom, Seesaw, What-app and many more, learning has become fun. I have joined some of the classes over the weeks and it’s fantastic to see the students showing the work they have done, taking great pride in presenting the cakes they have baked, the pictures they have drawn or the plants that they have sown. I myself had a wonderful Zoom class last week from my garden and greenhouse showing the vegetables I have grown over the past number of weeks. It was a big hit as we are all set to compare our vegetables in the coming weeks. Students are encouraged to get out for a daily walk if possible, just for a breath of air, to stretch the legs, to listen to bird song or just to get away from Technology.

Admin Brigids