I.T. In St. Brigid’s

Information Technology (I.T. Computer Classes) has been part of St. Brigid’s school for more than 25 years. All students receive I.T. tuition weekly as part of their curriculum. The main aim of computer training is to aid students with their class work and the I.T. Tutor works inline with the class teachers as an extra resource. Example, if a particular class is working on numeracy and literacy, this will be carried through in I.T. class, using educational websites and software as an extra resource for the lesson been taught. Intermediate students work through I.T. Statements as part of the JCSP. I.T. is also part of our 2 year Leavers Program, where students have a chance to study:

Word Processing


Internet & Email

Preparation for Work

Front Desk/ Telephone and Communication Skills

Driving Theory Test

Internet Safety and Data Protection

Admin Brigids