Live, Learn
and Love

there is so much to explore and discover everyday.


We focus on Predictability, Structure, Pitch and Pace

St Brigid’s has smaller classes, timetabling is shorter, intensity of interaction and learning higher.

Our Job is to teach the children in our care. We aim to give our students coping skills. We try to focus on Abilities rather than Limitations. Our attention is on Functional Life Skills, including academics with a progression to certification.


Here are 10 reasons to consider St. Brigid’s


* As the students’ age, needs & abilities dictate

Our Projects

Saint Brigid’s Cloak
with Paul Timoney

Graduation Class 2019 and 2020
26th of June 2019

Secondary Yellow
‘Community involvement Project’
with CBS Mullingar

Dreams Of Journeys
with Secondary Blue

Funday 2019

Halloween 2019

Our Noticeboards

Our Videos



Want to find out more?



“ I can’t believe I did this .... I am so proud of myself ”

“ You are not different even though everyone is different but that’s how you are. Everyone is treated the same, like you are normal. ’’

“ Staff will not give out they will try to solve the problem and sort it out ”

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